Episode 3

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From the Barn 

Pregnancy Checks

  • 6 Ewes pregnant out of 9 that were bred
    • Willow, Edelweiss, Jeni, Pearl, Peri & Tara
    • We’re expecting 8-12 lambs in about 2-2.5 months

Preparing for Lambing

  • Shearing
    • We have two shearing dates, March and May as we have some sheep whose fleeces haven’t grown quite long enough for the early date, and a couple of ewes who are due to lamb sooner than the rest
  • Vaccinations
    • We vaccinate with CD/T, a clostridium perfringens types C & D and Tetanus vaccine, about 2-4 weeks before the ewes are due so that they will pass some of their immunity along to the lambs through the colostrum, the first nutrient packed milk that the lambs receive from the ewe.


FOs (Finished Objects)

WIPs (Works In Progress)

On the Horizon

From the Shop

  • Methodical Cowl and Hat Pattern release coming by 2/18!
  • Kelly’s working on some new batts for spinning, stay tuned!

Other Things We Talk About

Thanks for watching!